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Alivia Larrison

Creation Poster “God Created” 7 Days of Creation

This took about three weeks to complete during Sunday school but I loved how it turned out!

We used paint and a collection of any cool and different textured craft materials.

I had to cut seven circles from larger paper and then I directed and had students help paint and glue on things when they could. This part did take a lot of my direction and because it is going on our wall, I had to do a lot of the designing as well.

I penciled then painted the poster “created.”

Then I traced out GOD and cut the tops of the letters following their curve.

I then had students add whatever materials they wanted to the letters. It is just a free-for-all!!

I then wrote the days and what was created and put those beside each picture.

Lastly, we used a little bit of the white poster paper we had left over to allow kids to write any animal or thing they see in the world that God has created.

We will add to this throughout the year !

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